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Hello Today i have been looking at Donate vendor for prices of items and by mistake i have bought an item [Shoulderpads of the Dashing Scoundrel] after that i went to discord and asked for help, someone told me that is posible to refund at the vendor , after i refund it at the vendor one of the comunity managers told me that i can get the full amount back if i will write on forum. So i ask kindly like a 13 years veteran around here. Please refund me the full amount.

Nickname: Француженка
Realm : x100 Legion


Miss Uwow 2012
Команда форума
Hello. Give a link to the item from Wowhead, we'll see how we can help you


Miss Uwow 2012
Команда форума
Please tell me why you returned the item to the vendor 2 hours after the purchase, if the purchase was mistake?


New member
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like i told in the description i didnt know that i can refund it to a vendor . I went in to discord and asked about help.. i can provide also a screen shot about that also the time when i asked comunity about that.


New member
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like i told in the description i didnt know that i can refund it to a vendor . I went in to discord and asked about help.. i can provide also a screen shot about that also the time when i asked comunity about that.
i didnt know there is a vendor that works like that .. i mention in the description that i was just looking and by mistake i have buyed that item. also for a diferent cartoon. developers can see in the log that i have spent more time on other cartoons last couple of days so i didnt play on the cartoon that i mention.


Команда форума
Okay, we will help you. I've requested return of 30% fee, you will get it within 72 hours


New member
Проверенный пользователь
thank you so much !
i have one more question .. is there any possibility ot buy one achievement with my points ? i will mention here what is the achievement and if you guy's could let me know what is the price or how do i get it ? or better is to send a message on e-mail ?


Miss Uwow 2012
Команда форума
Please give me a link to the achievement (wowhead) you are interested in and I will try to help you


Команда форума
i didnt know there is a vendor that works like that .. i mention in the description that i was just looking and by mistake i have buyed that item. also for a diferent cartoon. developers can see in the log that i have spent more time on other cartoons last couple of days so i didnt play on the cartoon that i mention.
Please check, 30% has been returned to you
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