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Результаты поиска

  1. Z

    Пересмотр банов / Revision of bans

    Konto: [email protected] Postacie Zulnior, Ninjak, Matekuri, Svidh, Ogienolimpu, Ivadih. Zdobądź bana za „sprzedaż złota” i didnt do anything like that i wasnt play on uwow for few months and i dont know what happend. I was try to login on my account and i see i gott ban please help me i...
  2. Z

    Chapters problem

    Hi i dont gott Ahivemenets for complete 2 of this Chapters on surramar and i gott 9/11 but i do All quest on this chapters pls help me i try everything Screanshoot http://egammi.net/image/SySw
  3. Z

    Chapter Achivment Problem

    I cant gett another 6 Chapters done when i will not done 1st but i dont gett Chapter Achivment for that...
  4. Z

    Chapter Achivment Problem

  5. Z

    Chapter Achivment Problem

    Hi i do All quests in Stormheim and i dont gett Achiv for completing 1st Chapter when i take Q in Dalla and Crash in Stormheim i should gett Achiv for Chapter and i dont gott it pls help me