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Результаты поиска

  1. M

    I can't see NPC

    Dear administrator, I can't see the NPC of MAGE tower challenge, but I can see this task on the map. How to solve it? Thank you very much.
  2. M

    Unable to fly due to account transfer

    Dear administrator, I am a role transferred from the fireform -server server. I can fly on the original server, but I can't fly now. Please fix the problem. Thank you very much!
  3. M

    无法飞行 Unable to fly

    尊敬的管理员,我是从 fireform 服务器转移的角色。我可以在原始服务器上飞行,但我不能在此服务器上飞行。请解决这个问题。非常感谢你! 账号:[email protected] 角色ID:天蝎座
  4. M

    Unable to fly

    尊敬的管理员,我是从 fireform 服务器转移的角色。我可以在原服务器上飞行,但我不能在转移后飞行。而我的声望是崇敬还是崇拜,是不显示在成就列表中的。非常感谢您在处理这个问题时遇到的麻烦。 账号:[email protected] 角色ID:天蝎座