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Результаты поиска

  1. S

    Нарушители чата / Chat breakers

    so, what you are saying is "homophobia in world chat is NOT against the rules" ? There are no penalties for this, according to the rules of the server. Кислюк
  2. S

    Нарушители чата / Chat breakers

    Okay... so was any action taken against vorgeen? No, there are specific server rules that punish. It just won't get punished. (кислюк)
  3. S

    Нарушители чата / Chat breakers

    1. Cantmilkme 2. vorgeen 3. Homophobia in world chat 4. https://egammi.net/image/SDYF 5. WoWScrnShot 080222 005746 Sidenote: said it was going to happen again... Such a thing is punishable. кислюк
  4. S

    Нарушители чата / Chat breakers

    Since the screenshots were taken with gyazo, i had to download them, name them myself and then upload to the place specified, hence why they are named hate1, hate2, hate3, hate4 and hate5... so none of the screenshots can have a name "wowscrnshot_xxx_xxx". Anyways if those screenshots are not...
  5. S

    Нарушители чата / Chat breakers

    1. Cantmilkme 2. Grimgir, Vorgeen, Gatt 3. All of them were being homophobic and even xenophobic and sometimes even misogynistic. They were all telling how being gay is unnatural and that anyone gay should kill themselves (thats what kys means btw), as can be seen in several of the screenshots i...