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Результаты поиска

  1. K

    Regarding the issue of donation refunds

    account:k007007369 email:[email protected] thank you!
  2. K

    Regarding the issue of donation refunds

    What information do I need to provide thanks
  3. K

    Regarding the issue of donation refunds

    Can you move tokens to uwowa?
  4. K

    Regarding the issue of donation refunds

    Sorry, the translation error in the translation software, Is not from six months ago, but from now on. Hello, I am a Chinese and on today, I mistakenly donated a Russian server WLK X30. Time: 3:29 on March 29th E-mail: [email protected] Account number: k007007369 Role Name:残酷开膛手 PayPal...
  5. K

    Regarding the issue of donation refunds

    Hello, I am a Chinese and on September 30th, I mistakenly donated a Russian server WLK X30. Time: 3:29 on March 29th E-mail: [email protected] Account number: k007007369 Role Name:残酷开膛手 PayPal transaction number: 7N8545393E514323S Due to confusion during the first game of...
  6. K

    Regarding the issue of donation refunds

    您好,我是中国人,19月30日,我错误地捐赠了一台俄罗斯服务器WLK X<>服务器。 时间:3月29日19:<> 电子邮件: [email protected] 账号: k007007369 角色名:残酷开膛手 PayPal交易编号为7N8545393E514323S 由于第一次玩UWOW搞不清楚情况,误认了服务器,捐了1500点积分,在游戏中购买了90天的VIP,误买了“人类男性LLLUSION测试”,花了1400+50积分。 当我达到80级时,我意识到他们都是俄罗斯玩家,我无法与所有人交流。 现在我想问一下是否可以退款。我想和朋友一起玩中国服务器。...