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My feral druid bugged

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Hi there i think i found a bugged that envolved my feral spec.

So after looting the https://www.wowhead.com/item=151636/soul-of-the-archdruid?bonus=3630, for some reason my dps decreased by a lot(if you want you can check your datas)

So after looting it i woulve hit 4m Shred, and 7m fb, and doing 5m dps at 950 , and now in my burst i can do at maximum 2.5.. and after burst ending at 1.2....

So i really hope that you are gonna look into this and maybe i can have some answers since i like the spec so much

In game name: horde- Melville

i hope you are having a great day and take care!



Администрация сервера
Администрация сервера
Hello! The game administration does not check and fix bugs. For this problem, you need to contact the bug tracker tracker.legionbugs.com
Good game!

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