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Pocket Pet Portal

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So the item Pocket Pet Portal has been (probably) fixed few days ago http://tracker.legio...ew.php?id=13943
The question is how can we few ppl that before the fix already used Pocket Pet Portal get 1500 limit now ? I'm still 1000 limit but already used the item when it was bugged. Now i can't get new one since Battle on the Broken Isles is achievement with account-wide progress. I was redirected here. Screenshots: http://tracker.legionbugs.com/file_download.php?file_id=12121&type=bugand http://tracker.legionbugs.com/file_download.php?file_id=12122&type=bug



GM Legion х100; Куратор Legion FUN
Администрация сервера
Hello. We need screenshots that would confirm the problem: 1 - screenshot of the received achievement; 2 - screenshot where you can see the limit of pets. Upload everything to Immage.Biz - Бесплатный хостинг картинок (egammi.net) and insert links. Enter your game nickname.

Screenshots in the bug tracker are good, but no one will run through the topics and look for something. Provide them in this topic.

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