Hello!, i write this after having spoken with a couple staff members who asked me to create this forum report.
I'm Chewy, Guild Master of, "The Warforged", and i would like to claim the Realm First Emerald Nightmare reward.
The Raid was finished within the same ID as requested by the rules the 16th of January at 19:07 Server Time.
(See below for the realm first achievement attained by the guild said day)

Additionally, this is a video of the Xavius kill in its entirety with voices and without any editing for the review of the staff.
Note: All other kills within the same ID are also recorded and logs for the entirety of the raid, and can be summited if requested.
The players that took part in this exact ID where Xavius fell are the following:
Tanks: Absolution, Smogy.
Healers: Chewy, Corruptrix, Kinderliebe, Volke.
Ranged DPS: Ashbane, Everlock, Ignite, Laptic, Pepsicarola, Seythez, Shadowpriest, Syphex, Zelatus.
Melee DPS: Alldrahin, Crown, Hatelove, Jinginos, Paper.
Additionally there were 2 other players that took part in progression but had to be replaced for one reason or another.
Those are:
Melee DPS: Poggers
Healer: Firewalker
As additional information about the entirety of our progression:
Nythendra was first killed while having the 50% hp and 10% damage buff in the day of release.
Elerethe and Ilgynoth were first killed while having a 40% hp and 8% damage buff the same day the nerf was applied.
Ursoc was killed while having a 25% hp and 5% damage buff the same day it was nerfed.
Dragons and Cenarius were killed while having a 20% hp and 4% damage buff.
Xavius was killed while having a 20% hp buff and 4% damage buff.
The reclear into Xavius kill to claim realm first was done from the 14th until the 16th of January with a total of 14~ hours in order to reclear and progress Xavius. With Xavius taking the majority of the time while we adapted to the extra boss hp for boss timers and mechanics.
Personal Note: I believe that while the buff helped to make things more enjoyable, the bugs that plagued a couple of bosses ontop of the HP increase made some fights undoable until after they were slightly nerfed. In the future if a buff is to be present i would like to ask for better testing to be conducted before a boss is released so that it may not be mathematically undoable, or nearly undoable unless the group is geared to a point where playing becomes irrelevant. In any case, i'd like to thank every Warforged member that took part in progression (bench or otherwise). And wish Medicare and Joy the best heading towards Realm Second.
I'm Chewy, Guild Master of, "The Warforged", and i would like to claim the Realm First Emerald Nightmare reward.
The Raid was finished within the same ID as requested by the rules the 16th of January at 19:07 Server Time.
(See below for the realm first achievement attained by the guild said day)

Additionally, this is a video of the Xavius kill in its entirety with voices and without any editing for the review of the staff.
Note: All other kills within the same ID are also recorded and logs for the entirety of the raid, and can be summited if requested.
The players that took part in this exact ID where Xavius fell are the following:
Tanks: Absolution, Smogy.
Healers: Chewy, Corruptrix, Kinderliebe, Volke.
Ranged DPS: Ashbane, Everlock, Ignite, Laptic, Pepsicarola, Seythez, Shadowpriest, Syphex, Zelatus.
Melee DPS: Alldrahin, Crown, Hatelove, Jinginos, Paper.
Additionally there were 2 other players that took part in progression but had to be replaced for one reason or another.
Those are:
Melee DPS: Poggers
Healer: Firewalker
As additional information about the entirety of our progression:
Nythendra was first killed while having the 50% hp and 10% damage buff in the day of release.
Elerethe and Ilgynoth were first killed while having a 40% hp and 8% damage buff the same day the nerf was applied.
Ursoc was killed while having a 25% hp and 5% damage buff the same day it was nerfed.
Dragons and Cenarius were killed while having a 20% hp and 4% damage buff.
Xavius was killed while having a 20% hp buff and 4% damage buff.
The reclear into Xavius kill to claim realm first was done from the 14th until the 16th of January with a total of 14~ hours in order to reclear and progress Xavius. With Xavius taking the majority of the time while we adapted to the extra boss hp for boss timers and mechanics.
Personal Note: I believe that while the buff helped to make things more enjoyable, the bugs that plagued a couple of bosses ontop of the HP increase made some fights undoable until after they were slightly nerfed. In the future if a buff is to be present i would like to ask for better testing to be conducted before a boss is released so that it may not be mathematically undoable, or nearly undoable unless the group is geared to a point where playing becomes irrelevant. In any case, i'd like to thank every Warforged member that took part in progression (bench or otherwise). And wish Medicare and Joy the best heading towards Realm Second.