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Новость Союзная раса: Вульперы | Allied Race: Vulpera

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Уважаемые игроки, 05.08.2024 07.00 (MSK) на все игровые миры легиона будет установлено обновление, которое откроет доступ к новой союзной расе в рядах орды - вульперы!

Для разблокировки необходимо выполнить задание "Союзные расы: Вульперы", его можно получить у Сильваны Ветрокрылой в посольстве союзников Орды.

Dear players, 05.08.2024 at 7am Moscow time (4am GMT) all live realms will undergo an update "Allied race: Vulpera": the new allied race will join the ranks of the Horde.

To unlock the freshly added allied race you will need to complete a quest, which is given to the players by Horde Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner located in Orgrimmar Embassy.
  • Upon creating Vulpera character you will receive Tabard of the Vulpera and Caravan Hyena.
  • New items related to Vulpera racial ability will be added to Legacy content bosses: Flames of Fury (Ragnaros), Sinister Shadows (Cho'gall) and Holy Relic (M'uru).
  • Vulpera characters will start at level 1 and be able to participate in Hardcore game mode if player wishes to enable it.
  • Vulpera Heritage Armor will be added with later updates. When that happens the items will be added to level 110 Vulpera characters post factum.
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