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Not getting a password reset E-Mail

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Hey dear GM's from UWoW.

I can't get a password resetting E-Mail on my account. It's not in any folder from my E-Mail, also not in the spam folder. I've not been playing UWoW for roughly 2 years, and now I can't get my account back, since I forgot my password and I'm not getting a reset mail. I would like some assistance here. I don't want to share my character names // the password I think it is and my Mail etc. For that I would like to share it to some GM in private. I wish you all a blessed day <3


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Hey dear GM's from UWoW.

I can't get a password resetting E-Mail on my account. It's not in any folder from my E-Mail, also not in the spam folder. I've not been playing UWoW for roughly 2 years, and now I can't get my account back, since I forgot my password and I'm not getting a reset mail. I would like some assistance here. I don't want to share my character names // the password I think it is and my Mail etc. For that I would like to share it to some GM in private. I wish you all a blessed day <3

Hello! You can send information to me in private messages - https://forum.uwow.biz/members/elodevlir.121591/. We need from you the email from the account and the nickname of the character who was on it
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