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Regarding the issue of donation refunds

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您好,我是中国人,19月30日,我错误地捐赠了一台俄罗斯服务器WLK X<>服务器。


电子邮件: [email protected]

账号: k007007369







New member
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Hello, I am a Chinese and on September 30th, I mistakenly donated a Russian server WLK X30.

Time: 3:29 on March 29th

E-mail: [email protected]

Account number: k007007369

Role Name:残酷开膛手

PayPal transaction number: 7N8545393E514323S

Due to confusion during the first game of UWOW, I mistakenly identified the server and donated 1500 points. I purchased a VIP for 90 days in the game and mistakenly purchased the "HUMAN MALE LLLUSION TEST", spending 1400+50 points.

When I reached level 80, I realized that they were all Russian players and I couldn't communicate with everyone.

Now I would like to ask if a refund is possible. I want to play Chinese servers with my friends.

You can delete my account.


Команда форума
Hello. No, refund in this situation is not possible. You are trying to redund something that you donated more than half a year ago


New member
Проверенный пользователь
Hello. No, refund in this situation is not possible. You are trying to redund something that you donated more than half a year ago
Sorry, the translation error in the translation software, Is not from six months ago, but from now on.

Hello, I am a Chinese and on today, I mistakenly donated a Russian server WLK X30.

Time: 3:29 on March 29th

E-mail: [email protected]

Account number: k007007369

Role Name:残酷开膛手

PayPal transaction number: 7N8545393E514323S

Due to confusion during the first game of UWOW, I mistakenly identified the server and donated 1500 points. I purchased a VIP for 90 days in the game and mistakenly purchased the "HUMAN MALE LLLUSION TEST", spending 1400+50 points.

When I reached level 80, I realized that they were all Russian players and I couldn't communicate with everyone.

Now I would like to ask if a refund is possible. I want to play Chinese servers with my friends.

You can delete my account.


Команда форума
Sorry, the translation error in the translation software, Is not from six months ago, but from now on.

Hello, I am a Chinese and on today, I mistakenly donated a Russian server WLK X30.

Time: 3:29 on March 29th

E-mail: [email protected]

Account number: k007007369

Role Name:残酷开膛手

PayPal transaction number: 7N8545393E514323S

Due to confusion during the first game of UWOW, I mistakenly identified the server and donated 1500 points. I purchased a VIP for 90 days in the game and mistakenly purchased the "HUMAN MALE LLLUSION TEST", spending 1400+50 points.

When I reached level 80, I realized that they were all Russian players and I couldn't communicate with everyone.

Now I would like to ask if a refund is possible. I want to play Chinese servers with my friends.

You can delete my account.
We can't refund it back, but we can move tokens to your other accounts on uwowCN for example


Команда форума
Yes, in your case we can. But we will need login on uwowa
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