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  1. V


    yes sorry, i have a gladiator mount in my backpack on my priest "walterwhite-uwowfun" that i already have and i cant refund it for some reason, sorry but i dont know why its translating
  2. V


    undskyld, ja jeg har et gladiatorbeslag på min præst "walterwhite-uwowfun", som jeg af en eller anden grund ikke kan refundere, og jeg har allerede beslaget
  3. V


    tabards, og en glad mount jeg har i ryggen. men hvad refunderes så? ,
  4. V


    not even mounts in your backpack or tabards or any kind of transmog/donor transmog items
  5. V


    Not possibel to refund any items at all
  6. V


    But on Fun server its not possibel to refund anything at all
  7. V

    i wanna refund donated item if possibel

    i have alot of donated items on my warrior "rofll-uwowfun" that i wanna refund if possibel