- Сегодня на Legion х5 досрочно окончен сезон Mythic+. В общей сумме было выслано 550000 токенов игрокам за сезон.
- Была досрочно окончена гонка прогресса в рейде Анторус, Пылающий Трон. Гильдия "Fun Mode", одержавшая победу над 9 из 11 боссов на эпохальном уровне сложности, получила 100000 токенов.
- Игровой мир Legion x5 подключен в общую систему кросс-реалмов.
Dear players, the development progress of the Legion x5 game world has reached its finale.
- Today, the Mythic+ season on Legion x5 has been concluded ahead of schedule. A total of 550,000 tokens have been distributed to players.
- The race for progress in the Antorus, the Burning Throne raid was also ended prematurely. The guild "Fun Mode," which defeated 9 out of 11 bosses on Mythic difficulty, has been awarded 100,000 tokens.
- The Legion x5 realm is now connected to the shared cross-realm system. meaning it is now connected to both the Legion x100, Legion FUN and EpicWoW Legion x1 realms.