1. Feuerfurz
2. Ilikehentai, Senju, Zï, Ejs (almost any member from the Guild Carnage)
3. I explained everything here
http://tracker.legionbugs.com/view.php?id=16578 but its private so I guess you cant see it.
Developers told me to report it here also.
Player Zï is an demonhunter around itemlvl 950 and is dealing almost double the amount of damage than the best geared demonhunters on retail, compared with Warcraftlogs
His melee attacks are dealing 103k (lowest) to 209k (highest) with ilvl 950
Compared to a 980 demon hunter from retail, he only dealt around 80k - 163k
Clearly a bug abuse or mabye somekind of cheatengine
Damage done from Melee 980 demon hunter retail
Damage done from Melee Zï
We kicked them from guild and afterwards one of them even told us that they are cheating and they find it fine and will continue doing it
They also teleported themself with some kind of bug abuse to the Zone [PH] Heroes through Time
The Zone from the uwowfun realm
They probably bought themself some gear there
A gm screenshotted them
Also if you use /who Name you can see that they are very often there, when you are not supposed to get there in any way
The message template in the header of the topic