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Pandaria bot commands

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Hello guys, here's the thing: I've played Pandaria recently and I found that you could actually ENTER A RANDOM DUNGEON WITH BOT PLAYERS.
That's surprising actually. But the only commands I know are '/go' and '/followme' thought both of them DIDN'T WORK (You actually can't let them be the guider, cuz they'll follow you no matter what you command them). And how can I get bot players at the same level as me, cuz they're all at 1 level and I can't do it with this.
Does anyone know these commands or whom should I ask? Thanks anyway!


Forever youngz
Game Master MoP х1
Hello. I have no idea what bots you are talking about. I don't see them in Pandaria. I only know that they are on the Legion.

What realm do you play on?


Hello. I have no idea what bots you are talking about. I don't see them in Pandaria. I only know that they are on the Legion. What realm do you play on?
The system will add bot players when there's no other players waiting to enter a random dungeon, so you'll get 4 bot player in your team. But all of them are at 1 level and you can't command them by '/go' like the system advice said


Forever youngz
Game Master MoP х1
According to the information provided to me, bots are not implemented on Pandaria. It is not yet known when they will be implemented.

Unfortunately, I can't help you anymore.
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