Attention! Heroes and adventurers, we invite you to take part in the quiz!
The smartest is the reward! Don't miss your chance!

Participants of the event will have to answer 15 questions related to World of Warcraft.

The event will be divided into 3 stages.
Stage 1 will consist of simple questions, for which you can get 1 point each.
Stage 2 will include medium difficulty questions, for which you can get 2 points each.
Stage 3 (final) will consist of complex questions, for which you can get 3 points each.
Each stage (5, 10, and 15 questions) will end with a question-morph, that is, players will need to guess and correctly write the name of the NPS, mysterious by the event manager.
Prizes will be taken by those players who will score the largest amount of points.
The answers are written strictly in the raid chat.
Only the first correct answer is counted.
Be careful, because answers with errors will not be counted, as well as with typos. But you can answer not with a capital letter.
If the answer word contains an apostrophe (sign ‘ ), then it does not need to be written. For example, not Lana'tel, but just Lanatel.
You must comply with the general rules of the project, as well as the rules of the Entertainment Department!
Violation of these rules is punishable by disqualification!

1st place - 300 tokens.
2nd place - 250 tokens.
3rd place - 200 tokens.
You can find out the date of the event in the schedule.
Time - 18:00 Moscow time.
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