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Transfer problem Specified

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Before i begin i'd like to say a few things, firstly; im using google chrome translate because english forums are still down.
Second of all i was told to go to legionx100 > artifact issue, this topic doesn't exist in this sub-forum.
third of all i have completed the questline up untill the class order upgrade quest person should appear. he's still not here.
I copied my post from yesterday because the same issues are still not resolved.

Nickname of the game character; specified
Links of the achievement for 2nd legendary / the npc that offers class order upgrades & glorious campaign quest:

Information: Dear GM's of Uwow. im writing this in the russian forum section because the english forums are down; i have the following issues after transferring from another server to Uwowx100;
- My pantheon trinket reset to 940 (was 1000)
Proof: http://egammi.net/image/ScAM
Link to the pantheon trinket : https://www.wowhead.com/item=154174/golganneths-vitality?bonus=3983

-My 2nd legendary upgrade isn't transfered with me to Uwowx100.
Proof: http://egammi.net/image/ScAD
The missing achievement: https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=11223/legendary-research

-My class order upgrade npc isn't appearing in my class hall.
Proof: http://egammi.net/image/ScA2
The missing npc wowhead link: https://www.wowhead.com/npc=105998/winstone-wolfe#comments

- i have the achievement " a glorious campaign" Despite me not having the Class order ugprade npc.
Proof: http://egammi.net/image/ScAD
Link of the achievement: https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=10994/a-glorious-campaign

- i lost ~4 traits in the transfer (no proof so i don't expect those 4 to be restored)
- i do have completed the class order hall campaign up untill the upgrade npc should appear, but he's still not here.

I hope you guys will take the time to read this post, and restore the lost goods.

Kind regards,
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